<돈 룩 업>, 멸망해도 싼 세상
돈 룩 업 Don't Look Up (2021) 감독 아담 맥케이 배우 레오나르도 디카프리오, 제니퍼 로렌스, 메릴 스트립, 케이트 블란쳇, 조나 힐, 티모시 샬라메 There's a one hundred percent certainty of impact. Please, don't say a hundred percent. Can we just call it a potentially significant event? Do you know how many "the world is ending" meetings we've had over the last two years? Drought, famine, hole in the ozone. It's so boring. There's dope stuff, like ..
2021. 12. 26.
<프렌치 디스패치>, 잡지와 저널리즘을 위한 헌시
프렌치 디스패치 The French Dispatch 감독 웨즈 앤더슨 배우 틸다 스윈튼, 프란시스 맥도맨드, 빌 머레이, 애드리언 브로디, 레아 세두, 티모시 샬라메 It began as a holiday. Eager to escape a great future on the Great Plains, Arthur Howitzer Jr. transformed a series of travelogue columns into the French Dispatch. A factual report on the subjects of world politics, the arts, high and low, and diverse stories of human interest. All great beauties withhol..
2021. 12. 26.